It is a wondrous privilege not only to receive Christ truly present in our midst but also to be the instrument through which Christ gives himself to the members of His Body. A deep, abiding faith in the Jesus who is our food, our life, our stay is to mark the life of all Catholics and particularly Eucharistic Ministers. Through the Pastor the Bishop appoints a person to this Ministry for a specific Parish for a specific length of time. Any fully initiated Catholic, in good standing, who is a registered parishioner may apply for this Ministry. Attendance at a training session is required. Like Lectors, Ministers of the Eucharist are scheduled according to the needs of the Parish. Please find the current schedule for Ministers of the Eucharistic here.
An additional Ministry for anyone interested is the bringing of Holy Communion to the homebound. This Ministry is usually carried out immediately following the Mass at which the Minister of the Eucharist serves. The frequency of these home visits would depend on the willingness and availability of the Minister of the Eucharist as well as the needs of the homebound. Please contact the Parish Office (619)276-1041 to learn more about Communion to the Sick.