Parish Greeters and Ushers are the welcoming committee of our Church.
Warmth, friendliness and a willingness to serve are essential to this ministry.
Greeters welcome parishioners and guests as they arrive.
Ushers help people to find seating when they arrive to Mass.
They are charged with taking up the Offertory collection and making sure the gift bearers are available to bring up gifts of bread and wine.
They also direct Communion lines and ensure those who are not able stand in line for Holy Communion receive communion.
Ushers also distribute weekly bulletins and assist anyone who has special needs in leaving the church.
For more information please contact the office 619 276 1041.
Warmth, friendliness and a willingness to serve are essential to this ministry.
Greeters welcome parishioners and guests as they arrive.
Ushers help people to find seating when they arrive to Mass.
They are charged with taking up the Offertory collection and making sure the gift bearers are available to bring up gifts of bread and wine.
They also direct Communion lines and ensure those who are not able stand in line for Holy Communion receive communion.
Ushers also distribute weekly bulletins and assist anyone who has special needs in leaving the church.
For more information please contact the office 619 276 1041.