Congratulations to all who received their First Communion this year!
St. Mary Magdalene
Religious Education Program
Public School Children Grades K-5
We will begin the 1st year Preparation classes in September. You can find out more about our Religious Education program for K-5th grade here.
Please register at:
Register online: Religious Education K-5th Registration Form
Printable Religious Education Registration Form
Printable Religious Education Registration Form
Guidelines For Children Receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, including First Reconciliation, at St. Mary Magdalene Church
For more information, contact Emma Scheuerman, Director of Religious Education.
- Catholic Baptism (or a valid Christian Baptism, but this requires a Profession of Faith, see below)
- Two-year sacramental preparation program. For most children, preparation is integrated into their normal religious education class.
- Children, who are seven or older and never baptized, will usually receive all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) in the second year of their sacramental preparation. They will participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Adapted for Children (RCIC).
- Children who are baptized in another Christian faith and would like to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church require catechesis and a Profession of Faith.
- Participation of PARENTS in sacramental preparation meetings.
- Children are required to attend weekly Sunday Mass with their families.
For more information, contact Emma Scheuerman, Director of Religious Education.