Liturgy of the Word
In the Eucharistic liturgy, God is present in His Word just as truly as Jesus Himself is present in the Eucharist therefore the proclamation of
God’s Word is an extremely important liturgical ministry.
Through this ministry, God continues to give us life, form us, mold us, shape us, challenge us, convert us, grace us, and draw us to deeper life in Him.
One who aspires to this ministry holds this belief deeply. This ministry is open to any Catholic, fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) who is a registered parishioner. Lectors should have good reading and strong public speaking skills.
Currently one lector is assigned at each Sunday Mass, one to proclaim each of the two first readings.
The scheduling of lectors is done according to the needs or preferences of the individual lector as well as according to the needs of the parish.
Newly confirmed youth and adults are particularly urged to consider this ministry.
Lectors proclaim the word of God during weekend, weekday, and holy day masses.
New Lectors are required to attend a two night training course.
Each Lector is provided with a workbook to assist him or her in the preparation of the reading.
You can find the Lector schedule here.
For more information, call the rectory at 276-1041